Category Archives: Uncategorized

Making Radio – Carly on CBC radio this Saturday

My first story as a freelancer at the  CBC radio’s show DNTO (Definitely Not the Opera) will air this Saturday at some point between 2-4pm (probably closer to the start).  Alternatively, as of Monday March 15th the broadcast will be posted online here: .  It can also be downloaded off iTunes.

The topic this week is “On the Phone”.  It will explore how we change when we’re on the phone and how we use phones as a tool, beyond basic communication.

The Call of the Telephone

Here is the blurb about my story from their site: “When Carly Stasko was being treated for cancer she had no idea that a phone message would be an integral part of her cure.  She’ll tell us her story.”
I hope you can check it out – I’m really excited about this! And please, let me know what you think!


You can listen to the radio documentary “Ring that Bell” that I produced in 2006 for CBC’s Outfront.

You can also see video of my cancer- free happy dance  by clicking here.

Can Feminism Pay the Bills?

Tonight I’ll be selling grocery bags made from recycled men’s power suits to raise money for my new radio podcast project: Imagitate the State.

The FUNds raised will go towards buying a portable digital recorder.

Come check out my performance tonight at “Can Feminism Pay the Bills” at the Tranzac club. I’ll be selling my bread-winner bags at a merch table afterwards.